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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Rodolfo Campero

DocBook generator

MonoUML is now able to generate DocBook documents from your models. Even tough it's not complete, it is somewhat functional. Comments and feature requests are welcome.

Check it out from our SVN repository.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Rodolfo Campero

New versions of ExpertCoder and nUML

I'm posting just to let you know there was a simultaneous release of both ExpertCoder (release 20071209) and nUML (release 0.5). These are the versions needed to build MonoUML from SVN.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Rodolfo Campero

Japanized version

We received the Japanese translation of MonoUML from the well reputed Mono hacker Atsushi Eno.

He also posted a screenshot, for those of us who love eyecandy.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Mario Carrion

New wiki-based site

Now we are using our website as a wiki-based one. You can always ask for an account for adding or updating the information.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Rodolfo Campero

A new reveng.exe

The last couple of week I've been working on making the reverse engineering tool able to merge the model obtained from the input assemblies with the model loaded in MonoUML. Even though the changes are in place, some bugs were introduced and remain to be fixed.

This changes require the latest version of ExpertCoder from CVS.

Having this new "merging" feature, together with the previously introduced feature that allows to maintain one model in several files, it's possible to do this:

  1. Open MonoUML, create a new project, add a Package called System, save the project as "system.xmi".
  2. Create another new project, add a Package called ExpertCoder, save it as "ec.xmi".
  3. Create yet another new project, go to Project -> Add external model domain. Select the file "system.xmi". Repeat the process to add "ec.xmi".
  4. Go to Tools -> Reverse Engineering, and process "reveng.exe". Save the project as "reveng.xmi". You should get something like this:
  5. Now comes the magic: open the file "system.xmi". Surprise! it has been filled with the elements from the System namespace that are referenced from reveng.exe.

You can use this feature to organize your project documentation in several files, and reuse a common set of type definitions, profiles or libraries.

You may also take a look at the new command line tool, reveng.exe:

$ mono reveng.exe -h
MonoUML.ReverseEngineering  0.1.2091.36132 - (C) 2005 Mario Carrión, Rodolfo Campero
Reverse Engineering tool - from .NET assemblies to UML.

Usage: reveng [options]
  -a -assembly:PARAM  Input assemblies (dll | exe)
  -F -full            Perform full import
  -? -help            Show this help list
     -help2           Show an additional help list
  -I -include:PARAM   Include existing model. It's allowed to reference several models
  -o -output:PARAM    Output file (xmi). If the output file exists, its contents will be merged with the results
  -p -private         Import private members
  -r -protected       Import protected members
  -q -quiet           Quiet mode
     -usage           Show usage syntax and exit
  -V -version         Display version and licensing information

In order to build this tool, run "make reveng" in the directory src/ReverseEngineering.

By the way, thanks to the Mono hackers for Mono.GetOptions - very handy, indeed.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

José Ramón Palanco

MonoUml AddIn for MD mockup

I have been thinking on how to integrate MonoUML into MD. Today I decided to try several ways.

We need a MonoUML Pad, so extending from MonoDevelop.Gui.Widgets.TreeView (MonoDevelop) and MonoUML.Widgets.IView (MonoUML) is all we need to do. We also need to launch the monouml engine (the Hub class) as a service (MonoDevelop AbstractService), attach our TreeView to it (and register it into the Hub to know when raise events).

Monodevelop hack

The same file with monouml

Sunday, September 04, 2005

José Ramón Palanco

New ubuntu built, now for Ubuntu Breeze Users

Hi!! today I built MonoUML and ExpertCoder current. In this version the desktop icon bug is fixed. To try it, just add:
deb http://people.hazent.com/~jrp/ubuntu breezy hazent
to your /etc/apt/sources.list
Enjoy it!!